Sunday 1 May 2011

commercial Insurance - Types of commercial Insurance

What is commercial Insurance?

commercial Insurance
Commercial insurance is an insurance business. In fact, it's one of the most important investments that an entrepreneur can do. Commercial insurance can help protect against the potential loss of business caused by unforeseen circumstances and bad luck.

Commercial insurance can provide valuable protection against things such as damage to property theft and liability. You can also provide coverage for business interruption and employee injuries. An employer who chooses to operate a business without insurance puts your company at risk of losing money and property after an unfortunate event. In some situations, a business owner, you can even put personal money and property at risk by failing to ensure an adequate supply of commercial insurance.

Types of commercial Insurance

There are two main types of commercial insurance:

  1. Commercial property Insurance

    Commercial Property insurance, as its name implies, provides coverage for business property or inventory is stolen, damaged by a loss or damage.
  2. Commercial liability Insurance

    Commercial Liability insurance covers damage to property, including personal injury.

Most companies that purchase commercial coverage, choose a combination of property and liability insurance to cover everything that can go wrong. Often, mistakes on the job, or simple accidents can simultaneously affect both the ownership society and health of others. For this reason it is important to consult with a broker to find the best deal for you and your business.

If you own a business, it is likely that you will need to buy some kind of commercial insurance to protect yourself and your business. Contact a professional today about other options.


mandy said...

Where can I get commercial insurance quotes for my business? Is there some internet site that can give you a summary of different insurance companies prices? I wouldn't want to pay more if I can pay less.

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